Mon – Fri 8 AM to 6 PM, Sat: 8A – 1P, Sun: Closed

We’re Your Alliance

Competitive Pricing Decades of Experience Comprehensive Offerings
With over 30+ Years in the lumber and building supplies industry, we truly understand the comprehensive needs of a builder, tradesman, and the motivated handyman. When you buy from Alliance, you join the alliance of hundreds of qualified trades professionals in the Southern Ontario Region.

Currently Working on a Project? Have Something Coming Up?

Demolition x

When the hammers hit the wall, and you’re drilling through the ground, keep us in mind! We offer bins and disposal options for your project and can help you prepare your project for the next steps.

Planning x

When planning your next build, client job or home improvement project, it’s important to know you have exactly what you need. Alliance will help you find what you need, plan out your execution, and present options to meet your needs.

Constructing x

When executing your project, Alliance Lumber and Building supplies will help you to be prepared! Our rates are competitive, allowing you to keep costs low! We provide options for tools, hardware and building supplies and support you to the finish line.









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